P.E.I. Senior Citizens' Federation Inc.
Prince Edward Island, Canada

About Us . . .
The MANDATE of the P.E.I. Senior Citizens' Federation is to act as a voice for Island seniors and to advocate for a better quality of life on their behalf.
The OBJECTIVES of the P.E.I. Senior Citizens’ Federation are:
- To link member clubs across P.E.I. and provide a vehicle for a stronger voice.
- To coordinate and organize workshops and seminars that meet seniors’ social and educational needs.
- To act as a resource and to disseminate information for the benefit of all seniors.
- To consult with government and other decision makers about seniors’ concerns and to advocate on their behalf.
- To increase understanding of the aging process.
- To encourage seniors to participate in decisions which affect their lives.
- To collaborate with other seniors’ organizations.
In June of 1971, eight Prince Edward Island senior citizens' clubs came together to form the P.E.I. Senior Citizens’ Federation ("Seniors' Federation"). From these humble beginnings, the Seniors' Federation has grown to include over 50 clubs and organizations across Prince Edward Island.
Incorporated in 1993, the P.E.I. Senior Citizens' Federation Inc. is a provincial-wide non-profit charitable organization.
Our principal function is to deliver programs and distribute information to seniors across the Island. We do this primarily through our member organizations and often in partnership with other non-profit organizations or government agencies.
Members of our Board of Directors and our Executive Director visit member clubs on a regular basis to speak with Island seniors about their interests and concerns.
With over 50 member clubs and organizations across the Island, the P.E.I. Seniors Citizens' Federation has a substantial network and reaches seniors from all walks of life. Membership in the Seniors' Federation is only $6 per year per person, payable through one of our member clubs or organizations. Members must be 50 years of age or older. Individual memberships are also available. It is not necessary to be a member of the Seniors' Federation to participate in our programs or attend our meetings.
Clubs belonging to the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation raise issues for discussion and voting at the Annual General Meeting through the submission of resolutions. Resolutions address issues of interest to seniors that should be brought to the attention of government. Once passed at the Annual General Meeting, resolutions form the basis for the PEI Senior Citizens' Federation standing policy and are presented and distributed by the Board of Directors to provincial and federal governments and politicians.
The day-to-day operations of the Seniors' Federation are managed by our Executive Director who oversees creation and delivery of our programs, plans membership meetings, and is Editor of the PEISCF newsletter.
The P.E.I. Senior Citizens' Federation has a fifteen (15) member volunteer Board of Directors accountable to their President. This dedicated group of individuals are members of our clubs and represent seniors from across Prince Edward Island. Our Board of Directors meet quarterly and keep in close contact with Island seniors - both members and nonmembers - thus, offering a venue by which Island seniors may voice their issues and concerns and be heard. The Board is slated with the responsibility of advocating on behalf of Island seniors.
The Executive Committee (President, Vice Presidents, Past President, Treasurer and Secretary) meets with the Executive Director between quarterly Board meetings.
The P.E.I. Senior Citizens' Federation holds two meetings per year. Our Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) is held in May and takes place in Charlottetown, Queens County and our General Meeting (G.M.) is held in October and alternates between locations in Prince and Kings counties.
Our member organizations send representatives to these meetings to network, gather information and enjoy the day. Many organizations send a dozen or more of their members. While most attendees at our meetings are members, meetings are open to ALL Island seniors - members and nonmembers.
The day is a mix of music and entertainment, brief interesting speakers, helpful information, great food and lots of door prizes and awards!